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Let Zerust help you with silver and jewelry corrosion prevention. Knowing what corrosion is and how to prevent it will help you extend the life of your silver goods.

What is corrosion?

Corrosion – The degradation of metal over time as the surface interacts with oxygen, water and acid gases. As a result of this deterioration, rust can form on unprotected silver and metal jewelry, sometimes within hours.

Corrosion Prevention – Managing silver and jewelry corrosion with Zerust Anti-Tarnish Products will inhibit the electrochemical reactions that cause rust on the surface of your valuable silver, coins and jewelry – saving you time and money.

storage and Handling best Practices for Silver & Jewelry Corrosion prevention

    1. All bags and containers must be tightly closed to restrict airflow.
    2. The temperature of metal items being stored must be the same as the current room temperature.
    3. Avoid the direct contact of metal with wood, paper and cardboard.
    4. Always wear clean, dry gloves before handling metal jewelry and silver.
    5. Pack only clean, dry silver and jewelry.