Electronics Rust Prevention Critical in the Age of Tech
Electronics Rust Prevention Critical in the Age of Tech
From ever-expanding in-vehicle dashboard entertainment to the smartphones that have become so ubiquitous, our economy is reliant on technology, which in turn is reliant on electronics. That makes electronics rust prevention a core priority as our communications, transportation and economy grows more tech-savvy.
New analysis from data firm Zion Market Research revealed the electronics industry’s demand for water-resistant nano coating technologies is going to spike substantially in the next two years, climbing to $6.85 billion by 2020. The “water-resistant” subcategory of tech research is the fastest-growing, and it’s not just smartphones. Everything from sensors to workplace monitors, connected home devices to transportation infrastructure and city design can benefit from some type of liquid protection – and electronics rust prevention – is critical, especially if they are regularly used outside. This has spurred the auto industry too to express an interest.
It’s unclear, though, how realistic it is to expect these future devices to be completely rust-proof. After all, even “stainless steel” products promise rust resistance, but the truth is, none are totally immune to rust. Plus, nano coating is retroactive either, meaning the devices you already own still need electronics rust prevention.
Why Do Electronics Rust?
Corrosion occurs as the result of exposure to metal, oxygen and water, resulting in deterioration of appearance and function.
So many types of metal and alloys are used in the components of electronic devices for a broad range of applications in fields like medicine, automotive, telecommunication and defense. Rust can be incredibly damaging to components big and small, though in tinier devices, the damage can go undetected – and thus unmitigated longer. Elements like printed circuit boards, capacitators, switches, cable connectors, diods and integrated circuits may be especially vulnerable, and as noted by researchers with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, “the increase in packaging density of electronics has resulted in electronics sensitive to the corrosive effects of the environment even in milder conditions.”
In some cases, once rust takes hold of these smaller elements and it may not be possible to salvage them. That is why it’s generally recommended that consumers invest in electronics rust prevention.
Electronics Rust Prevention With Corrosion Inhibiting Technology
Zerust products offers several items that can help achieve electronics rust prevention, including:
- Vapor capsules for electronics. Shielding electronic devices from rust and corrosion doesn’t need to be incredibly expensive. Our vapor capsules provide up to two years of protection in anywhere from a 1-foot radius span to a 6-foot-radius span.
- Plastabs. These tiny, rigid squares are manufactured with the corrosion inhibitor right in the plastic, emitting non-toxic rust prevention vapors that coat nearby metals with a protective layer.
- Drawer liners. You can use these as tool box liners, which you’ll especially want to do if those tools contain any electronic components. Electronics rust prevention with these liners (which can be cut to size) lasts up to five full years. They can also be re-cut, reused and re-purposed.
If you have questions about which Zerust electronics rust prevention method will best meet your needs, contact our offices for assistance.
Contact Zerust for information on electronics rust prevention by emailing us or calling (330) 405-1965.
Additional Resources:
How Water Damages Electronics, July 31, 2018, By Craig Lloyd, How-To Geek
More Blog Entries:
Shed vs. Garage: Which Better Reduces Power Tool Rust Risk?, Sept. 30, 2018, Zerust Electronics Rust Prevention Blog
- Categorized: Rust Prevention Tips
- Tagged: electronics rust prevention, rust prevention electronics, rust prevention vapor capsules